WIG WAM – Teeny (G) (2005) (English)





For me the impression as “Trond Holter for DREAM POLICE” was strong and I was really disappointed to find the promotional tour of DREAM POLICE (it was announced with a fan event in some magazines here) for the 2nd album was cancelled as the band broke up. When I talked about it to him he started apologizing like “I’m sorry we couldn’t come to Japan.” even though it was over 10 years ago and was never his fault. When I said “You don’t have to sorry about it.” he said “I think I have a responsibility at least a little.”
Teeny doesn’t like fish, the opposite to Glam. I remember he told that he really got bored of eating fish as he had a lot in his childhood in his hometown where people can have a lot of fish.
He had to let their crew to play rhythm guitars for him instead as his left arm which has been a “tennis arm” for years was getting worse. He says “We don’t want to cancell shows which are already confirmed.” We’re happy to find his arm is getting
much better and he can play all the guitar now. He couldn’t play guitar for 6 years after DREAM POLICE broke up. Please take good care of your arm all the time, Teeny…..

WIG WAM – Glam (Vo) (2005) (English)




Glam is the most popular member of the band thanks to his way of taking care of fans. You see how well he treats them at the official message boards/forums. As long as he has some time he trys to talk to his fans/to be online to answer fans’ questions. Sometimes he trys to have time for fans even when he has to wake up early in the next morning.
He really loves fish – love for Sushi of him and Sporty is incredibly “huge”.
He describes himself as “the turbo guy” in the interview of ours. I think he’s not just in full speed, he really watches others, listens to them carefully and remembers well what we told. The impression of how he looks in those costumes/make-up would let some people think wrong, I can tell you he’s quite a clever person (and so other guys of the band are).
On the other hand he says “I always leave a material in my hotel room (so I have to check double)” *S*

Diesel Dahl (Ds) – TNT (2005)(日本語)


みんな元気でやってる事を祈るよ。俺は元気だよ。息子のMarkusが生まれたんだ。Terje Tyslandのバンドで仲のいい奴等と演ってるよ、TINDRUMのG、Trond (Øien)と、TNTの新譜が発売される迄の間にね。
Best Of Luck
Diesel Dahl



WIG WAM – Glam (Vo) (2005)(日本語)


Love from Glam




WIG WAM – Flash (B) (2005) (English)




Flash always keeps his presense of mind and is a man of few words. It’s hard to find when he wears his make-up, I believe he’s the most handsome guy of the band. *S*
It seems he’s involved with important meetings (paper matters) with people besides the band all the time. We agree that we can trust him a lot.
He doesn’t speak a lot, and his words come out at the right time. When I missed my lunch, he said “You should bring something with you all the time.” You’re absolutely right, Flash.
Thanks to Flash, the band maintains a good balance properly…..
The beer he has on the photo above is “Kirin Ichiban Shibori” which I think the best one in Japan.

WIG WAM – Flash (B) (2005)(日本語)


Hello Japan!
Flash, WIG WAM




Gunnar Westlie (G) – EIDSIVATING, DA VINCI (2005) (English)




Gunnar drove us to the studio of Dag, and he and Dag let us listen to many songs of EISIVATING and DA VINCI.. We hope the 1st and 2nd albums of DA VINCI will be re-released (of course digitally remastered) in the near future – if UNIVERSAL doesn’t release them, you guys would buy the master tapes…..we think many labels will be interested and many people would like to buy the albums, how about this idea??? (I should not write this message here *S*)

WIG WAM – Teeny (G) (2005)(日本語)


Rock on!




私にとっては元DREAM POLICEのギタリストTrond Holterの印象が大変強く、バンドの解散により2ndアルバム発売後のプロモーション来日(ファン・イヴェントも雑誌告知されました)が急遽中止になった事が大変ショックでした。それを話すと、10年以上前の事で決して彼のせいではないのに「あの時は来日出来なくてごめんよ」と…「貴方のせいではないから謝らなくてもいいのに」「いや、やっぱり俺にも少しは責任があるよ」と。
今回のツアーの途中で、長年患っている腱鞘炎悪化の為不本意ながらリズム・ギターをクルーに任せるという選択肢を選びました。「一旦決まったツアー日程をキャンセルしたくないんだ」と彼は言います。幸い症状は改善された様で現在はTeenyが全てのギターを弾いています。DREAM POLICE解散後6年間もギターを弾けなかったそうです。どうぞくれぐれもお大事に…。

Ronni Le Tekrø (G) – TNT (2005) (English)




Ronni is working at his studio in the woods as always. In June we listened to TNT has some vocal tracks and guitar solos left for new album. When I visited his studio he let me listen to 4 songs including Sometimes which will be for the 1st single. Sometimes is a catchy tune which is good for a single cut, I’m sorry other songs didn’t impress me a lot. These days I would like TNT guys just to be doing fine and to keep working for the band…..