NIVA / OXYGEN – E-mail interview with Tony Niva (Vo) (2011) (English)


*NIVA is back!*

Tony Niva released NO CAPITULATION album from ZERO CORPORATION in 1994, then joined LION’S SHARE – he has started new NIVA with Roger Ljunggren (T’BELL) and guys. Here’s an e-mail interview with Tony, just before the release of their album on the 21st of September, 2011.

(added in May 2012)
NIVA has changed their band name to OXYGEN and will release FINAL WARNING album from ESCAPE MUSIC in U.K. on the 22nd of June, 2012. The album includes “Bring Back The Joy” as the bonus track for GOLD FROM THE FUTURE which was released in Japan in 2011and taking “Final Warning” away. The album jacket is changed as well.




(Taken from the booklet of GOLD FROM THE FUTURE”)


S-ROCK: You sang for SWEDISH EROTICA, and released an album NO CAPITULATION as NIVA from ZERO CORPORATION in 1994. And you joined LION’S SHARE in 2000. Since then what did you do in music business?

Tony: I haven’t had any album projects since 2001, instead I’ve been singing on different occasions like birthdays and even some concerts at church – I’ve also composed a lot of own materials the last 10 years.Time has been spent educating myself and building a family. Now my employment is within the IT sector.

S-ROCK: You and Roger Ljunggren have known each other for a long time, how did you get to know him? What do you describe about him? How about other guys of the band?

Tony: Back in the 80’s I heard about a guitarist that really had something special. I met Roger in his hometown Skara, which is a town nearby Skövde, where I live. We started to write some materials, but when not being able to find the right musicians for a band, I decided to move on and join an established band in Gothenburg but that is a different story. Roger is still a brilliant guitarist and has developed a lot as a songwriter. He is now also one of my best friends.

Marcus is the keyboard player, background vocalist, songwriter and also the producer that I met while making our first demo. There are a lot of great things to say about him, and when we recorded the vocals for this album I felt very comfortable in how we made our approach to make the recordings just right. Primary it’s all about a great cooperation, which is a key for success and the fact that Marcus professional craftsmanship and personality are something I highly value.

Bengan is a well known session drummer , and Peter Andersson is making a guest appearance on bass – We go back a lot of years since AXIA and the – 94 NIVA album.

Plec, the technician also contributed with his high skills and experience in a very good way.

S-ROCK: On the 21st of September the album “GOLD FROM THE FUTURE” will be released in Japan. Music from this album sounds really 80’s, very melodic, really AOR. Which song(s) is your favorite?

Tony: We’ve had different favorite songs while we were recording this album. I only can say that we are very satisfied with all our tracks on this album. This time there was no compromises for making a really good recording. Another thing is that we have much more materials in stock that we are eager to release in near future. Materials that we earlier never had the opportunity to record in studio, and we also constantly writing new songs for the band.

S-ROCK: What is “gold from the future” for you?

Tony: GOLD FROM THE FUTURE is an album title that is taken from the album track with the same name.

Our intention, from the begining, was to make an album with lyrics and melodies that we already to day will be listening to, taken from the future so to speak. So therefore the line “gold from the future” sounded just right.

There is of course a lot of good bands out there but our goal is to reach out to our listeners with current topics that concerns us everyone from the real life.

We’d like to represent with this album, hopefully, great melodies and harmonies that really will get in to you and also give perspective to what’s important in life.

S-ROCK: How do you have an idea to compose and to write lyrics?

Tony: I am a daydreamer and usually constantly putting words together for composing new songs.

When the lyrics have been created, it can be edited afterwards to suit the melody of the song. The melody can sometimes precede the lyrics. Usually, someone has a text and a melody idea, which is then processed into a finished song. Roger, Marcus and I, is always involved in this process.

S-ROCK: How do you guys start songwriting in this project?

Tony: We started the songwriting right after our first demo “Janitor of love” was delivered to MARQUEE/Avalon. They were immediately interested in hearing new materials , and so a second 4 track demo was made. This lead to the record deal and the “GOLD FROM THE FUTURE” album.

S-ROCK: Any other release plan of this album for example in Europe?

Tony: MARQUEE/Avalon have the world wide rights for the album , so it is very likely to be released outside the Asian region. No dates for this is set though.

S-ROCK: How about any plan of gigs?

Tony: We certainly are eager to play in front of a live audience, but it all depends on how our album will be received.

S-ROCK: Who is/which band is your favorite?

Tony: I really enjoy listening to music , and there are so many good acts in the vein of melodic rock, especially in Scandinavia , so I which not to mention any single band.

Of course, I listen a lot to old stuff, but it seems like you definite can hear echoes of the past in many new bands, which I personally think is great.

S-ROCK: How about your favorite album(s) and song(s)?

Tony: I am a musical omnivore. I can find peace of mind when I listen to classical, Jazz and blues as well as when I create songs for NIVA.

S-ROCK: What is your goal as a musician?

Tony: My goal is to make an album that fans will listen to and like for many years to come. It’s just like the title track says, that we may already recorded something that will be appreciated far into the future.

S-ROCK: What do you image from a word “Japan”?

Tony: A country with a long history and culture with an
exciting environment. One thing that also comes up in mind is Sushi, which is one of my favorite dishes.

S-ROCK: Would you give a message to your fans in Japan?

Tony: We have tried our hardest to put melody back in hard rock music – songs that you will have as a soundtrack to your lives, songs and melodies easy to remember and sing along to, songs that will bring joy and energy to the listener – So we really hope you will like “GOLD FROM THE FUTURE”, the way we do.







NIVA Official Website


COVERED CALL – E-mail interview with Joel Carlsson (2009) (English)


A new band from Sweden which fans of Scandinavian melodic HR are always looking for. “MONEY NEVER SLEEPS”, the debut album of COVERED CALL has tracks which make Japanese fans smile immediately. And the album cover shows what every Japanese has ever seen before on TV for example.
This time we have an e-mail interview with Joel Carlsson, a guitar player of the band.


(L to R) Thomas Thulin (B), Ronny Svanströmer (Ds), Thomas Vikström (Vo), Morgan Rosenquist (G) and Joel Carlsson (G).


S-ROCK: First of all, Would you introduce yourself and describe each member of COVERED CALL?

Joel: Sure! My name is Joel. I play the guitar. I have been in the band since 2006. Ronny is the founder of the band and play the drums. Thomas Vikstroem is the singer. (THERION, CANDLEMASS) He joined the band a year ago. Thomas Thulin plays the bass, and Morgan Rosenquist plays the other guitar.

S-ROCK: You guys played at ANCHOR, Stockholm last weekend, what is the strongest point of your gig to see?

Joel: When you come to see us live you get a great live show and a great sound. We got very good response at ANCHOR and love to come back and play again.

S-ROCK: The debut album “MONEY NEVER SLEEPS” was out in January 2009. What do you want people to pay attention on the album? Let us know your favorite tracks from the album.

Joel: The response we get from people is the sound and the high quality of the songs and that was the goal we had from the beginning. We get good reviews both in USA and Europe. My favorite tracks on this album is “All Because Of Me” and “Never Again”.

S-ROCK: And the album cover is unique, a guy puts a handkerchief on his forehead in front of the information board of stock prices, it seems it’s in Japan and the guy is a typical Japanese white-collar worker – who brought this idea?

Joel: You are right. It is Japan inspired. As the album title say: Money Never Sleeps, when we in Europe leave the stock market USA takes over, and the Asia after them. That is the thought with the title. I think it was Ronny who came with the idea. Both Ronny and I work as traders on the stock market. What we like was to play a little with the economic crisis. It is Ronny’s son and his friend who made the album cover.

S-ROCK: What do you think of this economic chaos as a stock market trader?

Joel: Right now I hope it gets better. I think it’s still a long way to go to get a normal market.


Joel is the guy at the left side.


S-ROCK: What do you think of music scene in Sweden?

Joel: The rock scene is growing for every year. There are more festivals every year. I think that is really good. There are many great bands in Sweden right now.

S-ROCK: What do you image from a word “Japan”?

Joel: Well. I’m from South Korea myself. So for me personally I think of the culture and of course all hitech stuff. I never been in Japan, but I hope we can come and play there someday.

S-ROCK: What is your goal as a musician? How about as yourself?

Joel: I don’t think myself as a pro musician. I like what I do, and I’m happy to play music I like with the great people in this band. My goal is not to be a master guitarist. I’m satisfied with where I am today.

S-ROCK: Let us know your music career and what kind of music you used to play.

Joel: When I was younger I used to play more heavy music, like PANTERA stuff. I also played in a skate punk band. But that was many years ago. It all started with me playing violin 8 years old. After that I started to play trumpet. After a few years I realized that I wanted to learn to play guitar. I borrowed my Grandmother’s old acoustic guitar and learned myself to play.

S-ROCK: Let us know your taste of music, your favorite musicians/bands.

Joel: I listen to all sorts of music. Blues, metal, rock music. Well, not hip hop so much. Right now I listen to IN FLAMES, NICKELBACK, and this blues guy Robben Ford.

S-ROCK: Any future plan which is confirmed/not confirmed yet? How about next album and tour?

Joel: We have a gig with SAXON this summer on a festival here in Sweden. We are doing the plans for the summer and autumn. We will start the work on the new album soon.

S-ROCK: S-ROCK site has the 10th anniversary this year. What did you do 10 years ago? And what will you do or want to do 10 years later?

Joel: Ten years ago I was 20 years old playing in different bands. Young & naive. In ten years from now I really hope I’m still playing music. I like what we do now and hope we still can perform.

S-ROCK: A message to your Japanese fans who visit S-ROCK site, please.

Joel: We love to come to Japan and give you a great rock show! Thank you!!



MONEY NEVER SLEEPS (Blistering Records 2009)



COVERED CALL official website:

COVERED CALL – E-mail interview with Joel Carlsson (2009)(日本語)


北欧ハード・ポップ/HRファン待望の新たなバンドがスウェーデンから登場しました。デビュー作”MONEY NEVER SLEEPS”には、日本のファンが思わずニヤリとしてしまう楽曲が詰まっています。また、そのジャケットは日本人ならTV等で一度は見た事がある光景です。
今回は、ギタリストのJoel CarlssonとのEメール・インタビューをお届けします。


(L to R) Thomas Thulin (B), Ronny Svanströmer (Ds), Thomas Vikström (Vo), Morgan Rosenquist (G) and Joel Carlsson (G).


S-ROCK: まず最初に自己紹介と、他のメンバーを紹介して頂けますか?

Joel: うん!俺の名前はJoelだよ、ギター担当さ。バンドには2006年から在籍しているよ。Ronnyはバンドの創始者でドラム担当。Thomas Vikström(THERION、CANDLEMASS)はシンガーで1年前に加入したんだよ。Thomas Thulinはベース担当、Morgan Rosenquistはもう1人のギター担当さ。

S-ROCK: 先週末(注:質問は前週に送られました)バンドはストックホルムのANCHORでギグを行ないました。何が貴方達のギグの最強ポイントだと思いますか?

Joel: 俺達のライヴを観に来れば、素晴らしいショーと音を体験出来るよ。ANCHORではとても良い反応を得られたから、また戻って演りたいね。

S-ROCK: デビューアルバム”MONEY NEVER SLEEPS”は2009年1月に発売となりました。アルバムの何処に注目して聴いて貰いたいですか?好きな曲も教えて下さい。

Joel: 俺達が人々から得た反応は音と楽曲の質の高さ、それは俺達が最初から描いていたゴールなのさ。アメリカと欧州どちらも良いレビューを得ているよ。この作品で好きな曲は、”All Because Of Me”と”Never Again”だね。

S-ROCK: そしてアルバム・ジャケットが独特ですよね、株価のボードの前で男性が額にハンカチを当てています、これは日本で、男性は典型的な日本人の会社員だと思いますが…誰がこのアイディアを持ち込んだのでしょうか?

Joel: 君の言う通りさ。日本に触発されたんだ。アルバム・タイトルの通り、金は決して眠らない。欧州の俺達が株式市場から撤退した時、アメリカが取って代わり、アジアが彼等に続いた。それがタイトルの由来さ。Ronnyがアイディアを持って来たんじゃないかな。彼と俺は株式市場でトレーダーとして働いているんだ。経済危機について少し演りたかったんだよね。Ronnyの息子とその友達があのジャケットを作ったんだよ。

S-ROCK: 株式トレーダーとして、この経済的混乱をどう思いますか?

Joel: 改善される事を祈っているよ。正常な状態に戻るには長い時間がかかるだろうね。




S-ROCK: 最近のスウェーデンの音楽シーンをどう思いますか?

Joel: ロック・シーンは毎年成長しているんだ。毎年フェスも増えてるしね。とても良い事だと思うよ。今スウェーデンには沢山の素晴らしいバンドが居るんだよ。

S-ROCK: 「日本」という言葉から何を連想しますか?

Joel: 俺は韓国出身なんだ。だから個人的には文化と、全てのハイテク商品について考えるね。日本には行った事がないけれど、いつか日本へ行ってライヴが出来るといいね。

S-ROCK: ミュージシャンとしてのゴールは何ですか?貴方個人としてはどうですか?

Joel: 自分の事はプロのミュージシャンとは思ってないんだ。やっている事が好きで、このバンドで素晴らしい連中と好きな音楽を演れる事が幸せなんだよ。ゴールはマスター・ギタリストになる事じゃないしね。今の立ち位置に満足しているよ。

S-ROCK: 貴方の音楽キャリアと、これ迄どういった音楽を演ってきたのか教えて下さい。

Joel: 若かった時はPANTERAみたいなよりヘヴィーな音楽を演っていたんだ。スケート・パンク・バンドでも演ってたよ。でもそれはずっと昔の話さ。一番最初は8歳の時に始めたバイオリンだね。その後はトランペットを始めたんだ。2、3年するとギターを演りたいと悟った。祖母のアコギを借りて、独学で練習したんだ。

S-ROCK: 貴方の音楽的嗜好と、好きなアーティスト・バンドを教えて下さい。

Joel: 全てのジャンルの音楽を聴くよ、ブルース、メタル、ロック。ヒップホップはそんなに聴かないけどね。今はIN FLAMESやNICKELBACK、あとブルース・ガイのRobben Fordを聴いてるんだ。

S-ROCK: 既に決まっている予定、決まっていないものはありますか?次のアルバムやツアーはどうですか?

Joel: スウェーデンのフェスでこの夏SAXONとギグをやる予定なんだ。もうすぐ新作に取り掛かるよ。

S-ROCK: S-ROCKサイトは今年10周年を迎えました。貴方は10年前何をしていましたか?また10年後何をしている・何をしていたいと思いますか?

Joel: 10年前俺は20歳で様々なバンドで演っていた。若くて繊細だったよ。これからの10年では音楽を続けられたらいいなと強く願っているんだ。今俺達がやっている事が好きだし、演り続けられたらいいね。

S-ROCK: S-ROCKサイトを訪問する日本のファンにメッセージを頂けますか?

Joel: 日本に行って素晴らしいショーを見せたいな。ありがとう!




MONEY NEVER SLEEPS (Blistering Records 2009)


COVERED CALL official website:

Thomas Vikström – S-ROCK 10th Anniversary Special(日本語)






Thomas Vikström Facebook

THERION Facebook

Roger Ljunggren (T’BELL) – S-ROCK 10th Anniversary Special(日本語)



2.Hurra, hurra, hurra, hurra! (スウェーデンで誕生日を祝う時に言う言葉だよ)


Roger Ljunggren Facebook

PAL Facebook

Patrik Tibell (T’BELL) – S-ROCK 10th Anniversary Special(日本語)


1.スウェーデンのMariann Recordsでスタジオ・エンジニアとして働いていたのと、RogerがT’BELLのアルバムを製作しようと俺をけしかける迄は曲を書くという事に消極的だったんだ。今思えば、あのアルバムで違う事も出来たかな、でも何てこった、君達から素晴らしいレビューを貰ったんだ、ありがとう!

2.いい仕事を続けて、新たなリスナーにAORを広めてくれ!世界中の人達と音楽を分かち合うのはいつでも素晴らしい事だし、S-ROCKはこの10年間それを続けて来たんだからね。Rock on!


Patrik Tibell Facebook

H.E.A.T – E-mail Interview with Jona (Key), Eric (G) and Dave (G) (2009) (English)


H.E.A.T, a new, fresh and young band from Sweden finally released their debut album in Japan. It was out from MARQUEE/Avalon on the 21st of January 2009. There are many bands which remind us of the 80’s music though, it’s really amazing that a young band like H.E.A.T comes out with their tracks and album with great quality, which attract people who experienced 80’s music in 80’s absolutely.
This time Eric Rivers (G) and Dave Dalone (G) joined Jona Tee (Key) and they answered questions for our e-mail interview.


(L to R) Crash (Ds), Jimmy Jay (B), Jona Tee (Key), Kenny Leckmero (Vo), Eric Rivers (G) and Dave Dalone (G).


S-ROCK: First of all, would you introduce yourself and describe each member of H.E.A.T? And how did you guys get together and start the band?

Jona: I’d say that each and everyone in the band has their own personality and at the same time we’re quite equal-minded. Everyone likes a good time and to hang out and of course to play live. In all shortness: Jimmy’s the storymaker, Rivers is the ”pal”, Dave is the funny guy, Kenny’s the frontman, Crash is the ”wanderer” (you never know where to find the guy, haha). H.E.A.T is in fact a merging of two bands called TRADING FATE and DREAM. Kenny was the singer of both bands. TF was more into heavier music, DREAM had more of the H.E.A.T sound. When TF began to play more of the 80’s style music the merging was not far away! So in early 2007 we had a great jam session/rehearsal an entire night with the members and everything felt perfect! We had known each other for several years though since we were based in the same town and everyone went to the same highschool in Stockholm!

Dave: Jona is the Teddybear.


Dave Dalone (G)


S-ROCK: Now you guys are touring in Europe, how’s the tour so far? Did you find any difference of the audience in countries you visit?

Jona: I tell ya. Europe is AWESOME! Everything is going very well and the crowds has been above ALL expectations. Last nite (January 16th) in Madrid was insane!! There is a certain difference between the countries. Some are more wild and hardrockin, some are more observing and basically enjoys listening.

Eric: The biggest difference between Sweden and other countries is that the crowd is there from the start. In Sweden people always drop in late, and misses the opening act, but in most other countries, the crowd is there from the minute the first band walks on stage.

S-ROCK: The debut album “H.E.A.T” was out in Europe in spring 2008, in Japan on the 21st of January 2009. What do you want people to pay attention on the album? Let us know your favorite songs from the album.

Jona: Well, we of course want people to enjoy the album in it’s entity. It’s like a journey we present to you guys. From the start of the Intro we wanna take you on a flight thru time and space. If you’re into straight up hard rock music you should check out songs like ”Never Let Go”, ”Feel It Again” and ”Keep On Dreaming” and if you’re mellow-minded then look no further than ”Cry” and ”Follow Me”.

S-ROCK: What do you think of music scene in Sweden these days?

Jona: The music scene in Sweden is quite rich. I mean, there are MANY bands out there playing good music. The commersial scene doesn’t really follow my taste. It’s quite american based. But there is quite a few good hard rock bands here as well. We’re trying to get hard rock back on the streets in a greater scale than it is at the moment and I really think it’s rising day by day!


Jona Tee (Key)


S-ROCK: What do you image from a word “Japan”?

Jona: I instantly think of honest people, people with a different culture than ours and of who I’m very curious about. Big cities and buildings, ninjas and martial arts! Yeah!

S-ROCK: What is your goal as a musician? How about as yourself?

Jona: My goal as a musician is to write and perform kickass melodic hard rock music to you guys and people all over the world! I would love to tour the world and let people feel the heat for many years to come! I think that those words describe my personal goals as well, career-wise that is!

Eric: Well, what Jona says basically. Playing music is first and foremost to satisfy yourself, but also to spread your music, and share the vision with people all over the world. For me, the biggest kick is to be on stage and see an entire crowd singing and loving your songs.

S-ROCK: Let us know your music career and what kind of music you used to play.

Eric: We have all been playing music since we were like 10 years old. I mean, I’ve been playing with Jimmy since I was 10. We all have a passion for music and playing, and thats why we do what we love the most! I think all of us have been in to a bit heavier music than what we play now, but we’re all very open to different styles of music… I belive that there are no bad genres of music only bad songs. And you need to listen to different styles to get inspiration to write good songs!

Jona: The story is quite the same for me and Dave. We’ve known eachother since we were 7 years old and was in the same class for 12 years! I remember us having our first gig in the classroom when we were like 11 years old, me on the piano, dave on the guitar and some dude on a saxophone! Probobly sounded like crap, haha! 2 years later we became total MAIDEN freaks! 🙂

S-ROCK: Let us know your taste of music, your favorite musicians/bands.

Eric: As mentioned in the previous question, we listen to a very wide variety of music. But of course we love 80’s bands like EUROPE, GIANT, BON JOVI, FM and so on, but also going back to the roots like DEEP PURPLEe and early WHITESNAKE. I know Dave love his blues, Kenny and I love our soul like Marvin Gaye and Otis Redding, Jona loves IRON MAIDEN, Jimmy loves PINK FLOYD. No one knows what Crash listens to, haha.


Eric Rivers (G)


S-ROCK: Any future plan which is confirmed/not confirmed yet? How about next album and tour?

Eric: Well, we’re on a European tour as we speak. We also have a UK-tour in the planning, plus a Sweden-tour in April. We are writing songs for the next album, which will probably be recorded this year. We gotta top this record, right? 🙂

S-ROCK: A message to your Japanese fans who visit S-ROCK site, please.

Eric: We are thrilled that the album is finally released in Japan and really hope that the people and readers of S-ROCK will love our album. We really hope that we can come to Japan to play soon, we heard that the Japanese crowds are absolutely great, and we would love to visit your country! And of course: Keep on dreaming!




H.E.A.T (StormVox 2008, MARQUEE/Avalon 2009)


H.E.A.T official website:

Erika – S-ROCK 10th Anniversary Special(日本語)


1.10年前は最後のスウェーデン・ツアーをして(「バイバイ!」)、そして日本向けの2枚のアルバムのプロモーションを丁度終えた所だったわ。これからの10年では、Suzi QuatroやLita Fordと一緒にツアーに出てるでしょうね…「極上の女達がメタルを演るの」、ハハハ!



Erika Official Facebook