For the 20th anniversary (last year, 2019) S-ROCK will give a material related to Scandinavian aritsts and bands to each winner who visits our site. You may use your online nickname and free e-mail address (Gmail for example) for your entry. We’ll ask your real name and postal address ONLY when you win.
1. An autographed poster of TNT members on Japan Tour 2014 (1 winner)
No photo as it’s not easy to take a photo of an entire poster. The same one as what we gave before. We’ll put the poster into a cylinder poster tube to prevent from getting bent when we ship.
2. A guitar pick from 90’s (right on the photo, 1 winner) and from 2014 (left on the photo, 1 winner) of Ronni Le Tekrø (TNT).

3. An autographed photo card of WIG WAM from 2005 (1 winner)
The same one as what we gave before. Time flies…..

4. An autographed flyer of Japan Tour 2007 of WIG WAM (1 winner)
The same one as what we gave before. Since they announced their reunion last year, we’re expecting their Japan Tour 🙂

5. An autographed EP of Erika – “Heavenly” (1 winner)
A Swedish single out in 1991. The same one as what we gave before.

6. An EP of GLORY – “This Is The Love” (1 winner)
A Swedish single out in 1989.

7. An EP of TALK OF THE TOWN – “Feel My Heartbeat/Sing To The World” (1 winner)
A Swedish single out in 1988.

8. A Norwegian CD of STAGE DOLLS – “STORIES WE COULD TELL 1983-1993” (1 winner)
The best album out in 1993. The Japanese edition was out (almost) without promotion…..

9. A Norwegian CD of MB Normann(Mai Britt Normann) – “FULL OF LIGHT” (1 winner)
The album of MB (Mai Britt) Normann who used to release a Japanese CD, out in 2000. Ronni, Morty Black (Skaget), Steinar Krogstad, Dag Stokke etc. played for this album.

10 winners will receive a present. We hope you’ll find every stuff above is in secondhand condition. There would be slight scratches on CD/record, damages on sleeves/jackets/poster/flyers/guitar picks.
(How to send your entry)
Send your e-mail from our mailform. The mail title should be “Entry for the 20th anniversary present”.
1. Your online nickname for “Your Name” (you may write down your real name though, a nickname would be better for your entry)
2. Your e-mail address for “E-mail Address” (a new free mail address like Gmail just for this entry would be better)
Write your answers to our questions below for “Message”
3. A material name which you want (you can choose 3 materials, you may win 1 though)
4. Your favorite artists / bands from Scandinavia
5. Your messages to S-ROCK
We’ll ask your real name and postal address ONLY when you win. We’ll ship you a package by postal service. Your information will be used ONLY to choose a winner and to ship the material. You don’t have to pay postage. We’ll pack your material as well as we can to prevent from getting bent or damaged.
Your entry should be sent to us before 23:59 (JST) on the 31st of March, 2020. We’re looking forward to your entry!