CHASING EMBLA – E-mail Interview with Tove (2024) (English)


Tove (ex-MISSLEAD/TINDRUM) and her fellows have started a new band called CHASING EMBLA, they released RESURRECTION album this autumn. S-ROCK had an e-mail interview with her Japan-exclusively.


S-ROCK: For Japanese AOR/melodic HR fans you were the singer of TINDRUM /MISSLEAD. After the era what did you do?

Tove: Around 1993, the members of MISSLEAD decided to go our separate ways, and for many years, I didn’t sing at all…

I spent time on children, friends and family, and got a new hobby – regatta sailing, together with OO, which we did for many years.
I did reunite with TINDRUM a few times, to do some anniversary gigs.
After a long time, I found a few local choirs, and did that for a while, and eventually ended up in a vocal group.
Some eight years ago, maybe, we decided to move to a new house, and spent a couple of years with that project. 
I then got the urge to sing in a band again…  We eventually put together a WHITESNAKE project, and did that for a little while.
Great fun, but we wanted to make our own music, and in early 2023 we started to search for the right people. 
And late summer of last year we started writing songs. It was really great to be that creative again, after all those years.
During autumn and early winter, the band spent a lot of time together, rehearsing and arranging. And laughing. A lot.

In February 2024 we were ready to book a studio, and start recording our first album.

Tove (vo)


S-ROCK: Besides Tove and OO, Morten, Freddy, Thomas and Per are new for Japanese fans. Would you let us know what they played before CHASING EMBLA?

Tove: Well, Per Nordengen on keys is an old friend from back in the day. We have known each other a long time, but never played together, before now.

Per has been playing piano and keys as long as I can remember. Been with bands like PANAMA, RETROHEADS and HEADLINER, to name a few. 
Freddy Aspmark on bass – I met him in February last year, after a concert, and he said he wanted to do something together some day… and some day I gave him a call. He has collaborated with musicians like Reidar Larsen and Elg. And Keith Austin (ex Dr. Hook).
Fun fact: Freddy was in band called JUSTICE, and he actually was support for TINDRUM. 
In our search for a drummer, we came across Thomas Hauge, and he is our young alibi. He has been a drummer in several local bands, and worked with Elg, Askil Holm, Odd Rene Andersen, to name a few.
The other guitarist is Morten Roness. A serious, hard working man we came across last year. And with him, the lineup is complete.

I say it all the time: this journey, with exactly these people! We make serious music. We have a lot of fun. I love it.


L to R: Freddy O.J. Aspmark (B), Thomas Hauge (Ds), OO Kure (G), Tove (Vo), Per Nordengen (Key) and Morten Roness (G).


S-ROCK: Is “embla” of CHASING EMBLA from Norse mythology? What is she chasing? And what is “RESURRECTION” from?

Tove: Finding a good name is quite a challenge… There are zillions of band names, and we wanted to find something unique.
Maybe not mythological, but we actually thought of female characters. Embla surfaced, and we liked her immediately.
And it’s easy to pronounce both in English and Norwegian, that’s a bonus.
But is she Chasing? Or is she being  chased?

The album “RESURRECTION” is a journal – a musical journey, from past to present. It contains songs from our time i LA, and a few old ideas that never saw the light of day. And of course all the new songs. So this journey is actually our – and my – resurrection.

S-ROCK: From the booklet of the album you went to L.A. and worked with those music mans there. When and why L.A.?

Tove: MISSLEAD went to LA the first time in 1987, for promotion and concerts. Our manager at the time made this happen, he knew people there, and we played clubs like Madam Wongs, Country Club and Whiskey A go go. And we were introduced to Michael Mikulka and Steven McClintock, and recorded a few songs.

Me and OO went back several times to M. Mikulka, to work with different song writers, – Ken Tamplin amongst others. Some of the material from these trips have been  included on CHASING EMBLA’s record.


S-ROCK: Also you worked with Rino Johannessen and Ole Petter Hansen Chylie from DREAM POLICE, did they play for the album?

Tove: No, they did not play. But they have a studio called Green Room, located in Fredrikstad. We wanted to record bass and drums there, that is after all their expertise. We also did most of the guitars in Green Room.

We then moved to Marshall Sound Service in Moss, to do the keys and vocals. In addition to manage the studio recordings, Gilbert Marshall is an experienced keyboard player and singer. 

S-ROCK: Would you let us know each track from the album “RESURRECTION”?

Tove: Too Late (Written by Frank Tostrup)
A song about a relationship coming to an end. Sick and tired of being cheated on.

Straight Through My Heart (Written by Tove and OO)
I will do a lot to get you, and to keep you, even though I know you’re not good for me.

You Got Me Running (Written by Steve McClintock and OO)
The one you wanted, never looked your way.

Hide-and-Seek (Written by Tove and OO)
A serious topic in this song. Someone is struggling with their mental health, and only wants to hide away somewhere.
Hearing voices, even if no one is there. Acting as if everything is ok, but that is all a game.

Fly, Angel (Written by Tove and OO)
This song was written last summer, when someone close to us was told her father only had a few months left.
Really sad. We tried to capture all these feelings; both sadness and hope, loneliness and love.

Man In The Middle (Written by Frank Tostrup and OO)
When you have gotten yourself into real trouble, and you are trapped in a corner. You’ll do anything to escape.

Slide of Hands (Written by Tove and OO)
Someone is trying to fool you. You know you’re being tricked, but can’t stay away.

Prove It To You (Written by OO)
You stick to your promises, even though there’s trouble, and everything is difficult. You promised to stay, so you don’t leave.

Shakin’ All Over (Written by Ken Tamplin and Tove)
A love song, plain and simple – I can’t take my eyes off of you. You make me shiver and shake.



Even It Up (Written by Tove and OO)
It’s time for people to slow down. All the bad things we do are destroying the world. So many red flags, but we don’t see them.
And some people think the’re a part of some kind of political and cultural evolution, but they are messing with reality and truth.

I’ll Make You Love Me (Written by Tove and OO)
Living in denial, you think you can make someone love you.

No One Will Love You Like I Do (Written by OO and Steve McClintock)
I have to go away for a long time, and leave my family. Please don’t forget about me, maybe I can return some day.
We wanted to have backing vocalists, and have been lucky enough to find Liv Jeanette S. Tjønnås and Trude Bergli. They have been singing together for years, and sounds really cool. They add an extra dimention to our songs, and we are very grateful for the work they have done.
Our album is produced by OO. Mixing and mastering by Njål in NFL Produksjoner. We met Njål around 89/90, maybe, in his studio to record some demo tapes. And now he too is back in our life.


Morten (G) and OO (G)


S-ROCK: Do you have any gig plan of the band?

Tove: Yes, of course. We want to play our music live, and are planning several things… We initially hoped to do our “debut concert” before the end of this year, but we could not find a suitable date. So we had to postpone it to January/February. And we are working towards some festival venues for next summer. We have some loose ends here and there, but I think we will be on several stages in the near future.
In the meantime, we do radio interviews, podcasts, magazines…

S-ROCK: Would you give your messages to your Japanese fans who visit S-ROCK website?

Tove: We wanted to make this album “old school”. A real product. A CD, with booklet, included lyrics and pictures and stories.  We love the result. All design and art work by OO.
The album is available on Bandcamp, and every CD comes with a digital download.  It’s also possible to get a digital version only.
We have released a few singles on Spotify etc, and we also have a YouTube channel. Check it out, and watch our video(s).
And please follow us on FACEBOOK and Instagram.
Thank you for your attention, and thanks to S-ROCK for this opportunity.





Tove Official Instagram:

MISSLEAD – GENTLE PERSUASION remastered with 5 bonus tracks available :

CHASING EMBLA – E-mail Interview with Tove (2024)(日本語)


元TINDRUM/MISSLEADのToveと仲間達が新しいバンドCHASING EMBLAを始動し、今秋アルバム”RESURRECTION”を発表しました。S-ROCKは(現時点で)日本独占Eメール・インタビューを行いました。


S-ROCK: 日本のメロディアスHRファンにとって貴方はTINDRUMとMISSLEADのシンガーでした。その後何をしていましたか?

Tove: 1993年頃MISSLEADのメンバーはそれぞれの道に進む事を決断したの、そして長い間私は全く歌ってなかったわ…。




Tove (vo)


S-ROCK: ToveとOOの他のメンバー、Morten、 Freddy、 ThomasとPerは日本のファンにとっては初めての人達です。CHASING EMBLAの前に彼等が何を演っていたか教えて頂けますか?

Tove: えっと、キーボードのPer Nordengenは古くからの友達よ、お互いを長い間知ってるの。でも一緒に演った事はなかったわ、今より前はね。

Perは、私が覚えている限りずっとピアノとキーボードを演奏してきたわ。2、3挙げるならPANAMA、 RETROHEADSやHEADLINERの様なバンドに在籍していたの。
ベースのFreddy Aspmarkね、彼とは昨年の2月に逢ったわ、コンサートの後だったの、いつか一緒に何かやれたらいいね、と彼は言ったわ…それで私から彼に電話した。彼はReidar LarsenとElg、元Dr. HookのKeith Austinの様なミュージシャン達と一緒に働いてたわ。
ドラマー探しの中でThomas Haugeに出会ったわ、そして彼は私達の若いアリバイよ。彼は幾つかのローカル・バンドでドラマーをやってきて、2つ3つ挙げるならElg、 Askil HolmやOdd René Andersen (DREAM POLICE)と仕事をしてきた人よ。
もう1人のギタリストはMorten Ronessよ。昨年知り合った真面目で一生懸命働く人なの。そして彼を迎えた事でバンドのラインナップは完成したわ。



L to R: Freddy O.J. Aspmark (B), Thomas Hauge (Ds), OO Kure (G), Tove (Vo), Per Nordengen (Key) and Morten Roness (G).


S-ROCK: CHASING EMBLAの「embla」は北欧神話から取ったのですか?彼女が追っているのは何でしょう?そして何から復活するのでしょうか?

Tove: いい名前を探すのって本当に挑戦よね…バンド名って数え切れない位あって、私達は唯一無二なものを探したかった。

アルバム “RESURRECTION” は記録なの。過去から今への音楽の旅ね。L.A.での日々からの曲や、日の目を見なかった古い2、3のアイディアもあるわ。勿論新しい曲達もね。だからこの旅は私達の、そして私の復活なのよ。

S-ROCK: ブックレットによれば貴女はL.A.へ行って、現地のミュージシャン達と仕事をしたんですよね、それはいつで何故L.A.だったのですか?

Tove: MISSLEADは1987年に初めてL.A.に行ったのよ、プロモーションとコンサートの為にね。当時のマネージャーが実現させたの、彼は現地の人達を知ってたわ、Madam Wong’sやCountry ClubやWhiskey A Go Goの様なクラブで演ったのよ。そしてMichael MikulkaとSteven McClintockを紹介されて2、3曲レコーディングしたの。

私とOOは何回かMichael Mikulkaの所へ戻ったわ、他のソングライター達と仕事する為にね、とりわけKen Tamplinよね。その時の旅で作ったものの幾つかはCHASING EMBLAのアルバムに含まれてる。

S-ROCK: それから貴女達はDREAM POLICEのRino JohannessenやOle Petter Hansen Chylieと仕事しましたよね?彼らはアルバムで演奏していますか?

Tove: いいえ、彼らは演奏してないわ。でも彼らはFredrikstadにあるGreen Roomっていうスタジオを所有しているの。ベースとドラムをそこでレコーディングしたかったの、彼等の専門だもの。Green Roomではギターの殆どもレコーディングしたわ。

その後はMossにあるMarshall Sound Serviceへ移ってキーボードとヴォーカルを録音したわ。加えてスタジオでのレコーディングの管理はGilbert Marshallは熟練のキーボード奏者でシンガーだから。

S-ROCK: “RESURRECTION”アルバムの各曲を教えて頂けますか?

Tove: Too Late (作詞作曲: Frank Tostrup)

Straight Through My Heart (作詞作曲: ToveとOO)

You Got Me Running (作詞作曲:Steve McClintockとOO)

Hide-and-Seek (Written by Tove and OO)

Fly, Angel (作詞作曲:ToveとOO)

Man In The Middle (作詞作曲:Frank TostrupとOO)

Slide of Hands (作詞作曲:ToveとOO)

Prove It To You (作詞作曲:OO)

Shakin’ All Over (Written by Ken Tamplin and Tove)



Even It Up (作詞作曲:ToveとOO)

I’ll Make You Love Me (作詞作曲:ToveとOO)

No One Will Love You Like I Do (作詞作曲:OOとSteve McClintock)

私達はバッキング・ヴォーカリストが欲しかったのよ、幸運な事にLiv Jeanette S. TjønnåsとTrude Bergliを探す事が出来たわ。彼女達は何年も一緒に歌ってきた人達で、本当にかっこいいの。私達の曲に新たな次元を追加してくれるわ。彼女達の仕事に本当に感謝しているのよ。
私達のアルバムはOOがプロデュースしたわ。ミキシングとマスタリングはNFL ProduksjonerのNjålが担当。Njålとは89年か90年に出会ったのよ、彼のスタジオでデモテープを録音するのにね。そして彼はまた私達の人生に戻ってきたわ。


Morten (G) and OO (G)


S-ROCK: バンドのライヴの予定はありますか?

Tove: ええ、勿論よ。ライヴで私達の音楽を演奏したいわ、そして幾つかの事を計画しているの…当初今年の年末前にデビュー・ライヴをやりたかったのだけど、丁度いい日程を組めなかったわ。だから1月か2月に延期せざるを得なかった。それと来夏に幾つかのフェスティバル出演に向けて動いているのよ。こちらとあちらがまだ結びついてないけれど、近い将来幾つかのステージに立ってると思うわ。

S-ROCK: S-ROCKサイト訪問者の貴女のファンにメッセージをお願いします。

Tove: 私達はこのアルバムを古き良きものにしたかったの。本物の品よ。1枚のCDでブックレットがあって、歌詞と写真と物語があるものよ。その結果が大好きなの。全てのデザインとアートワークはOOが担当したわ。





Tove Official Instagram:


MISSLEAD – GENTLE PERSUASION (ボーナストラック5曲入りリマスター盤):

Tove (Vo) – TINDRUM (1988)(日本語)

“Drums Of War”のEPシングル。




2.MISSLEADっていうHMバンドで歌い始めたわ。かつて影響されたのはJUDAS PRIESTやACCEPT、IRON MAIDENだったけど、他のジャンルのものも聴いているの。勿論今もHMは好きなんだけど、何かを教えてくれる人から何かを学ぶのが好きなのよ。



7.先生になりたかったのよ、そして貴方達みんながノルウェーが好きって事だから、練習の為にノルウェーの文章を贈るわ(方言よ)。”Tæpp ætt dæra så itte smæret rætner”(S-ROCK注:Tove本人に尋ね、この意味は”Close the door so the butter don’t decay”(ドアを閉めておこう、そうすればバターは腐らない)だと確認しました)

MISSLEAD (1991) (English)

“GENTLE PERSUASION” released in 1989. Really rare and hard to find especially on CD.



From NHRSPG (previous one before S-ROCK) vol. 1 published in 1993. The latest album at that time was “GENTLE PERSUASION” .

Scanned files from the issue are online as we don’t find original papers.


Band members of MISSLEAD in 1991:

Tove (Vo)
O. Ø. Qure (G)
Victor B (B)
G. Bolsgaard (Ds)



1. Let us know your new album (ex. album/song titles)
2. How do you take care of your throat? Let us know how to sing well like you. (To Tove) / Your equipments (guitars etc., To O. Ø.) / (bass etc., To Victor) / (drums etc., To G.)
3. Your favorite bands/artists these days.
4. How about movies/books? How did they inspire you?
5. Your dreams about your band.
6. How do you describe Norway? What are you proud of your country most?
7. Your “detailed” career before MISSLEAD.
8. What is your motto in your life?
9. Would you give an exclusive message to your Japanese fans?