4 track single called “ROOT ‘N’ BRANCH” of N’TRIBE with André Andersen, Jonas Larsen and Henrik Brockmann.
ROYAL HUNT Official Site: https://royalhunt.com/
N’TRIBE Official Site: https://ntribe.dk/
For People Who Love Scandinavian HR and AOR, since February 15th, 1999.
Special thanks to Ms. Muramatsu & TEICHIKU RECORDS (in 1996) for collecting answers from ROYAL HUNT.
The latest album in 1996 was “1996”, the double live album.
Answers for our questionnaire from ROYAL HUNT in 1996 from S-ROCK issue vol. 2 published in 1997.
Scanned files from the issue are online as we don’t find original papers.
Band members of ROYAL HUNT when they answered our questionnaire in 1996:
D.C. Cooper (Vo)
Jacob Kjaer (G)
Steen Mogensen (B)
André Andersen (Key)
Kenneth Olsen (Ds)
1. What are you doing these days, for new album, for concerts or having holidays?
2. Let us know your latest album / demo tape. What do you want people to pay attention on it? Let us know your favorite songs from it.
3. What do you image from a word “Japan”?
4. What is your goal as a musician? How about as yourself?
5. Let us know your music career and what kind of music you used to play.
6. Let us know your taste of music, your favorite musicians and bands.
7. A message to your Japanese fans for S-ROCK. And your autograph, please.
From S-ROCK issue vol. 2 published in 1997.
The latest album in 1996 was “1996”, the double live album.
Scanned files from the issue are online as we don’t find original papers.
ROYAL HUNT Official Site: https://royalhunt.com/
Special thanks to Ms. Muramatsu & TEICHIKU RECORDS (in 1996) for collecting answers from ROYAL HUNT.
1997年発行の弊誌S-ROCK vol. 2に掲載された、1996年当時のROYAL HUNTの質問状回答を掲載します。
1996年当時のROYAL HUNTのメンバー:
D.C. Cooper (Vo)
Jacob Kjaer (G)
Steen Mogensen (B)
André Andersen (Key)
Kenneth Olsen (Ds)
弊誌S-ROCK vol. 2(1997年発行)より
2.俺達の最新の「作品」は、日本での俺達のツアーで録音されたライヴ・アルバム”ROYAL HUNT 1996″と、全収録のビデオなんだ。
6.クラシックが好きなんだ。モーツァルト、パガニーニ、バッハと、いわゆるロック・クラシックスのDEEP PURPLE、QUEEN、SAGAだね。新しいバンドではQUEENSRŸCHEやDREAM THEATERを挙げたいな。