NIVA / OXYGEN – E-mail interview with Tony Niva (Vo) (2011)(日本語)


*Niva is back!*

1994年にZERO CORPORATIONさんからNO CAPITULATIONアルバムを発売、その後LION’S SHAREに加入していたTony Nivaが、T’BELLのRoger Ljunggrenらと組んで新生NIVAとして再始動しました。2011年9月21日のアルバム発売に先駆けてEメール・インタビューをお届けします。

NIVAはOXYGENと改名し、2012年6月22日に英レーベルESCAPE MUSICからFINAL WARNINGアルバムを発売します。同アルバムは、日本発売されたGOLD FROM THE FUTUREのボーナス・トラックBring Back The Joyを収録、Final Warningを削った作品となっており、アルバム・ジャケットも変更されています。



(Taken from the booklet of GOLD FROM THE FUTURE album)


S-ROCK: 貴方はSWEDISH EROTICAで歌い、1994年にはNIVA名義で”NO CAPITULATION”アルバムを発表しました。そして2000年にLION’S SHAREに加入しています。その後音楽業界で何をしていましたか?

Tony: 2001年以降はアルバム製作には関与していなくて、代わりに誕生会や教会で歌う活動を続けていたんだ。この10年は沢山の曲を作る事に専念して来たよ。教育を受ける事や家族を作る事にも時間を費やした。今の仕事はIT関連なんだ。

S-ROCK: 貴方とRoger Ljunggren (T’BELL) は長い間の知り合いですが、どうやって彼と知り合ったのですか?彼はどういう人ですか?他のメンバーはどうですか?

Tony: 80年代に話を戻そう。特別なものを持っているギタリストの噂を耳にしていたんだ。俺が住んでいるSkövdeの近くにある彼の地元SkaraでRogerに逢ったよ。曲を作り始めたものの、当時はバンドの為の人材を探す事が不可能な頃で、俺はGöteborgへ移住して既に存在していたバンドに加入したんだ。話が逸れちゃたね。Rogerは今でも素晴らしいギタリストでソングライターとして大きく飛躍したよ。彼は俺の親友の1人だしね。


Benganはよく知られたセッション・ドラマーで、Peter Anderssonはベースのゲスト出演をしている。AXIAと94年のNIVAアルバム以来だね。Plecはテクニシャンとして高い技術と経験で貢献してくれたよ。

S-ROCK: 9月21日に日本で”GOLD FROM THE FUTURE”が発売されます。この作品の音楽はとても80年代風でメロディックでAORですね。どの曲がお気に入りですか?

Tony: レコーディング中好きな曲は色々あったよ。ただ言えるのは、このアルバムの全曲にとても満足している、という事。今回はとても良いレコーディングの為一切妥協はしなかったんだ。もう1つは、近い将来発表するのを切望している新しい曲が沢山あるって事だね。初期にレコーディングする機会がなかった曲もあるし、いつもバンドの為に新たに曲作りをしているんだ。

S-ROCK: 貴方にとって「未来からの高貴なもの」とは何ですか?

Tony: GOLD FROM THE FUTUREは、同名の収録曲から取られたアルバム・タイトルだ。最初から俺達の意図は、いわば未来から持ち込んだ、今現在聴く事になる歌詞とメロディーのあるアルバムを作る事だったよ。だから、「未来からの高貴なもの」という文章は的確だという事だね。


S-ROCK: 曲作りのアイディアはどうやって得るのですか?

Tony: 俺は空想家で、新しい曲を作る為に大抵いつも歌詞を考えてるんだ。歌詞が出来上がったら、メロディーに合う様に後で編集し直す。メロディーが詞より先になる事もあるよ。大抵誰かが曲とメロディーのアイディアを持っていて、それが後に完成した曲になっていく。Roger、Marcusと俺は常にこの過程に関わっているんだ。

S-ROCK: このプロジェクトではどうやって曲作りを始めるのですか?

Tony: 最初のデモ”Janitor Of Love”をMARQUEE/Avalonへ届けた後、すぐに曲作りを始めたよ。彼等はすぐ新曲を聴きたがったんで、次は4曲入りのデモを作った。これが契約と”GOLD FROM THE FUTURE”アルバムに繋がったのさ。

S-ROCK: このアルバムの他国、例えば欧州での発売予定はありますか?

Tony: MARQUEE/Avalonがこのアルバムの全世界での権利を持っているんだ、アジア圏以外での発売もあるかも知れないね、具体的な日程は決まってないけどね。

S-ROCK: ライヴの予定はありますか?

Tony: 観客の前で演奏したいよ、でもそれはアルバムがどう受け取られるかにかかってるんだ。

S-ROCK: 誰・どのバンドがお気に入りですか?

Tony: 音楽を聴く事を本当に楽しんでいるんだ、メロディック・ロックの流れの中、特に北欧にはいいアーティストやバンドが一杯居るよね。だから、どれか1つには絞れないんだ。


S-ROCK: 好きなアルバムや曲はどうですか?

Tony: 俺は音楽の雑食家なんだ。NIVAの曲を作る時と同じ様にクラシックやジャズ、ブルースを聴く時は心に平和を感じるのさ。

S-ROCK: ミュージシャンとしてのゴールは何ですか?

Tony: ファンが長年ずっと聴き続けて好きでいてくれるアルバムを作る事だね。タイトル曲が示す通り、未来でも愛される何かを録音したかも知れないね。

S-ROCK: 「日本」という言葉を聞いて連想する事は?

Tony: 長い歴史と文化、興味深い環境のある国だね。あと思い浮かぶのは寿司だね、好物の1つなんだ。

S-ROCK: 日本に居る貴方のファンにメッセージを頂けますか?

Tony: HRにメロディーを取り戻す為に最大限努力したよ。君達の人生のサウンドトラックになり得る曲達、覚え易くて歌い易い曲とメロディー、聴く人に喜びと力を与える曲なんだ。みんなが”GOLD FROM THE FUTURE”アルバムを俺達同様気に入ってくれる事を本当に願ってる。







NIVA Official Website

NIVA / OXYGEN – E-mail interview with Tony Niva (Vo) (2011) (English)


*NIVA is back!*

Tony Niva released NO CAPITULATION album from ZERO CORPORATION in 1994, then joined LION’S SHARE – he has started new NIVA with Roger Ljunggren (T’BELL) and guys. Here’s an e-mail interview with Tony, just before the release of their album on the 21st of September, 2011.

(added in May 2012)
NIVA has changed their band name to OXYGEN and will release FINAL WARNING album from ESCAPE MUSIC in U.K. on the 22nd of June, 2012. The album includes “Bring Back The Joy” as the bonus track for GOLD FROM THE FUTURE which was released in Japan in 2011and taking “Final Warning” away. The album jacket is changed as well.




(Taken from the booklet of GOLD FROM THE FUTURE”)


S-ROCK: You sang for SWEDISH EROTICA, and released an album NO CAPITULATION as NIVA from ZERO CORPORATION in 1994. And you joined LION’S SHARE in 2000. Since then what did you do in music business?

Tony: I haven’t had any album projects since 2001, instead I’ve been singing on different occasions like birthdays and even some concerts at church – I’ve also composed a lot of own materials the last 10 years.Time has been spent educating myself and building a family. Now my employment is within the IT sector.

S-ROCK: You and Roger Ljunggren have known each other for a long time, how did you get to know him? What do you describe about him? How about other guys of the band?

Tony: Back in the 80’s I heard about a guitarist that really had something special. I met Roger in his hometown Skara, which is a town nearby Skövde, where I live. We started to write some materials, but when not being able to find the right musicians for a band, I decided to move on and join an established band in Gothenburg but that is a different story. Roger is still a brilliant guitarist and has developed a lot as a songwriter. He is now also one of my best friends.

Marcus is the keyboard player, background vocalist, songwriter and also the producer that I met while making our first demo. There are a lot of great things to say about him, and when we recorded the vocals for this album I felt very comfortable in how we made our approach to make the recordings just right. Primary it’s all about a great cooperation, which is a key for success and the fact that Marcus professional craftsmanship and personality are something I highly value.

Bengan is a well known session drummer , and Peter Andersson is making a guest appearance on bass – We go back a lot of years since AXIA and the – 94 NIVA album.

Plec, the technician also contributed with his high skills and experience in a very good way.

S-ROCK: On the 21st of September the album “GOLD FROM THE FUTURE” will be released in Japan. Music from this album sounds really 80’s, very melodic, really AOR. Which song(s) is your favorite?

Tony: We’ve had different favorite songs while we were recording this album. I only can say that we are very satisfied with all our tracks on this album. This time there was no compromises for making a really good recording. Another thing is that we have much more materials in stock that we are eager to release in near future. Materials that we earlier never had the opportunity to record in studio, and we also constantly writing new songs for the band.

S-ROCK: What is “gold from the future” for you?

Tony: GOLD FROM THE FUTURE is an album title that is taken from the album track with the same name.

Our intention, from the begining, was to make an album with lyrics and melodies that we already to day will be listening to, taken from the future so to speak. So therefore the line “gold from the future” sounded just right.

There is of course a lot of good bands out there but our goal is to reach out to our listeners with current topics that concerns us everyone from the real life.

We’d like to represent with this album, hopefully, great melodies and harmonies that really will get in to you and also give perspective to what’s important in life.

S-ROCK: How do you have an idea to compose and to write lyrics?

Tony: I am a daydreamer and usually constantly putting words together for composing new songs.

When the lyrics have been created, it can be edited afterwards to suit the melody of the song. The melody can sometimes precede the lyrics. Usually, someone has a text and a melody idea, which is then processed into a finished song. Roger, Marcus and I, is always involved in this process.

S-ROCK: How do you guys start songwriting in this project?

Tony: We started the songwriting right after our first demo “Janitor of love” was delivered to MARQUEE/Avalon. They were immediately interested in hearing new materials , and so a second 4 track demo was made. This lead to the record deal and the “GOLD FROM THE FUTURE” album.

S-ROCK: Any other release plan of this album for example in Europe?

Tony: MARQUEE/Avalon have the world wide rights for the album , so it is very likely to be released outside the Asian region. No dates for this is set though.

S-ROCK: How about any plan of gigs?

Tony: We certainly are eager to play in front of a live audience, but it all depends on how our album will be received.

S-ROCK: Who is/which band is your favorite?

Tony: I really enjoy listening to music , and there are so many good acts in the vein of melodic rock, especially in Scandinavia , so I which not to mention any single band.

Of course, I listen a lot to old stuff, but it seems like you definite can hear echoes of the past in many new bands, which I personally think is great.

S-ROCK: How about your favorite album(s) and song(s)?

Tony: I am a musical omnivore. I can find peace of mind when I listen to classical, Jazz and blues as well as when I create songs for NIVA.

S-ROCK: What is your goal as a musician?

Tony: My goal is to make an album that fans will listen to and like for many years to come. It’s just like the title track says, that we may already recorded something that will be appreciated far into the future.

S-ROCK: What do you image from a word “Japan”?

Tony: A country with a long history and culture with an
exciting environment. One thing that also comes up in mind is Sushi, which is one of my favorite dishes.

S-ROCK: Would you give a message to your fans in Japan?

Tony: We have tried our hardest to put melody back in hard rock music – songs that you will have as a soundtrack to your lives, songs and melodies easy to remember and sing along to, songs that will bring joy and energy to the listener – So we really hope you will like “GOLD FROM THE FUTURE”, the way we do.







NIVA Official Website